How the Easter Bunny became a Bunny

Once upon a time there was a little bird (show the bird.) The little bird liked flying all around the forest (the bird is moved as if flying.) 
(Bird voice) “I fly, I fly, up to the sky”
And the little bird was always singing a beautiful song (sing the song)
Every year in Spring the little bird came to the forest, and flied and sung. And all the animals loved the little bird.
But, one year, while the little bird was flying (the bird is moved as if flying,) it started raining... and raining... and raining! (in crescendo, making gestures and sounds of rain.) And it was also so windy (The bird is now struggling through the storm) that the little bird (BAM!) hit a tree and fell down! (the bird hits something and falls.)
Then the rain stopped, and the sun came out... the little bird tried to fly but...
(Bird voice) “I fly...” (the bird falls) “I fly...” (the bird falls again)... “Oh, no! I can’t fly! Oouh! It hurts! Help! Help!”
And, do you know who came? The fairy Eastera! (show the fairy.) 
(Fairy voice) “Oh no! The little bird! What happened?” she asked.
(Bird voice) “It was raining, and I fell! And now I can’t fly! It hurts!”
(Fairy voice) “Oh... I see... I will try to help you” (take out a magic wand) “One, two, three, little bird be alright!” 
(The bird struggles again, but it does not work)
(Fairy voice) “Oh, no! It doesn’t work! I need more magic!” (to the kids) “Boys and girls, can you help me? One, two, three, little bird be alright!” (this can be repeated some times)
Oh! It works! Look! Now the little bird is a bunny! (show the bunny.)
(Bird/Bunny voice) “Oh! I have long ears! And big feet! I am a rabbit! But... it doesn’t hurt any more! Thank you fairy Eastera, you saved my life! Thank you, thank you!”
(Fairy voice) “You’re welcome, Bunny” 
And the Bunny went jumping, not flying, and he singed the same song. But he was not a normal bunny! He was magic! And for this reason he could still lay eggs!
And, the following Spring... (move the bunny as if jumping)
(Bunny voice) “I jump so high, up to the sky... Oh, look! It’s fairy Eastera! Fairy Eastera, Fairy Eastera!”
(Fairy voice) “Hello Bunny.”
(Bunny voice) “This painted egg is for you!”
The Bunny gave beautiful painted eggs to all the animals of the forest.
And every Spring, on Easter time, he gives painted eggs and chocolates to the English boys and girls!
And that’s all!

Aquest és el conte del Easter Bunny (Conillet de Pasqua) que he utilitzat per a una Unitat Didàctica dirigida a nens d'entre 3 i 6 anys. He adaptat una història que vaig trobar, i n'he fet les il·lustracions (senzilles, que de tant en tant també va bé) ja que no vaig ser capaç de trobar un llibre amb la història ja feta ni il·lustracions dels personatges que seguissin un mateix estil.
L'adaptació que he fet de la història, que es pot llegir més amunt, és només un conjunt d'instruccions. No obstant, ni tan sols jo mateixa les he seguit al peu de la lletra (he de dir que m'agrada bastant improvisar). Tot i això, va ser útil per tenir clar més o menys el que volia fer.
Pel que fa als nens i nenes, els hi va agradar el conte, i fins i tot els de 3 anys van poder-la seguir. 
Així doncs, aquest material és per a qualsevol mestre o mestra que el pugui menester.
Espero que hagi agradat i que ho trobeu útil!

This is a tale about the Easter Bunny I used in a Teaching Unit for children of 3 and 6 years old. I adapted a story I found, and made these illustrations (keeping them simple, which is also good from time to time) because I could not find a book with that story, nor illustrations of the characters that kept a similar style. 
My adaptation of the story above, is just a set of guidelines of how to tell it. Even I did not follow them literally (I must say I quite enjoy improvisation). However, it was useful to know more or less how I wanted to do it. 
As for the students, they enjoyed the story, and even the 3year-olds could follow it (remember we are talking about students of English as a second language).
So, this material is for any teacher to use it. 
I hope you enjoyed it and that it will be handy!

This is the link to the page with bird images I used to draw the bird: