Paper de Princesa
Etiquetes de comentaris:
il·lustració infantil,
llapis de colors,
Perfil de Sirena
Senyora del mar, sirena pescada,
dins la peixera enyores l'aigua salada.
Lady of the sea, mermaid fished,
inside the fishbowl, you yearn for saltwater
L'abella que balla
Vet aquí que de l'avorriment va néixer una abella,
però com que era d'avorriment
qui la va fer no s'hi va mirar, ni tan sols la va acabar.
Així que, sabent-se invisible, es va posar a ballar ...
So it happened that, out of boredom, a bee was born,
but as it was from boredom,
the author did not care, and did not even finish her.
Thus, knowing herself invisible, she started to dance ...
So it happened that, out of boredom, a bee was born,
but as it was from boredom,
the author did not care, and did not even finish her.
Thus, knowing herself invisible, she started to dance ...
Etiquetes de comentaris:
il·lustració infantil
Sant Jordi
Etiquetes de comentaris:
il·lustració infantil,
llapis de colors,
Sant Jordi,
Etiquetes de comentaris:
il·lustració infantil,
llapis de colors,
Quan érem nens,
Singing in the train
I'm singing in the train
Just singin' in the train
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love
And I'm ready for love
I'm dancing and singing in the train
A tots aquells que es lleven a hores intempestives, agafen trens foscos per anar a treballar o estudiar i que malgrat tot són capaços de veure màgia arreu.
I a tots aquells que encara no han sigut capaços, per a que sàpiguen que es pot.
To those who wake up at unearthly hours, and take dark trains to go to work or study and, nevertheless, they are able to see magic all around.
And to those who haven't been able yet, so they know it's possible.
To those who wake up at unearthly hours, and take dark trains to go to work or study and, nevertheless, they are able to see magic all around.
And to those who haven't been able yet, so they know it's possible.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
il·lustració infantil,
llapis de colors,
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