Vet aquí que de l'avorriment va néixer una abella,
però com que era d'avorriment
qui la va fer no s'hi va mirar, ni tan sols la va acabar.
Així que, sabent-se invisible, es va posar a ballar ...
So it happened that, out of boredom, a bee was born,
but as it was from boredom,
the author did not care, and did not even finish her.
Thus, knowing herself invisible, she started to dance ...
So it happened that, out of boredom, a bee was born,
but as it was from boredom,
the author did not care, and did not even finish her.
Thus, knowing herself invisible, she started to dance ...
Tan directa y sencilla que enamora a primera vista!!
ResponEliminaEi Neus! No m'havia passat mai pel teu bloc! Mola miil!!^^ M'agrada molt el teu estil, amb aquests colors apastelats (s'escriu així? xd) i aquestes formes arrodonides.
ResponEliminaJo algun dia també faré il·lustració...
Per cert, sóc el Carlos, el de la uni, delegat del grup 41 ;)