
Hi ha qui avança d'enrere a endavant.
Hi ha qui avança d'avall en amunt.
Hi ha qui una miqueta de cada.
Però sempre avança.

Some people moves on from back to forth.
Some people moves on from down to above.
Some people move a little bit of each.
But always move on.

Pardals al Cap

Aquesta és una il·lustració del Projecte Final del cicle d'Il·lustració, presentat el 2012 a l'escola Llotja. Últimament amb el cap a tot arreu menys a terra, i posats a recuperar imatges de fa temps, he trobat aquesta il·lustració prou adient.

This illustration is from the Final Project of my Illustration studies, presented in 2012 in the arts school Llotja. As I have been anywhere but down to earth of late, and having to rescue images from some time ago, I deem this illustration quite appropriate. 

Mossegar-se la llengua

Sospesant el preu del silenci:
si et mossegues la llengua, procura no fer-ho massa fort

Weighing the price of silence:
if you hold your tongue, try not to do it too tight


I diuen que tenim el cap als núvols.
Si aquesta havia de ser la nostra naturalesa,
només queda preguntar de qui va ser l'error
de no fer-nos directament amb ales.

They say we have our heads up in the clouds.
Why, if that was to be our nature,
you can't help but wonder whose was the mistake
of not making us with wings on the first place.


Voler volar;
Poder volar;
Saber volar.

To want to fly;
To be able to fly;
To know how to fly.

Com un ocell

I entre el glamour i la por,
només un petit ocellet
temerós d'aixecar el vol.

Between glamour and fear, 
just a scrawny little bird
fearful of taking flight.

El mocador

Amb el cor tancat al puny,
tan rebregat com un mocador.

With her heart closed up in her fist,
as crumpled up as a tissue.

Al vent

Vent - Mondaray

[…]L'aire ocupa tant com pot i, si intentes esclafar-lo, s'esmuny per tots els racons.
I si mai aconseguiu caçar l'aire d'una brisa o d'un temporal, aviat entristirà, es convertirà en simple oxigen i, finalment, morirà. Perquè l'aire no és aire si no és lliure.[…]

[…]The air occupies as much as it can, and if you try to squash it, it will slip out of your fingers.
And if you ever succeed in capturing the air of a breeze or a storm, it will soon become sad, it will turn into simple oxygen, and finally it will die. Because air is not air if it is not free.[…]

Silenci, estem gravant

Il·lustracions fetes amb diferents tècniques de gravat, lligades totes a contes de fades i punts de vista sobre aquests. 

Illustrations done with different graphics techniques, all of them related to fairy tales, and to points of view of them. 





Obrint la Ment


Viatjar per aprendre i aprendre per viatjar sense moure't del seient.
Perquè aprendre és el que ens manté en moviment.

Travel for learning, and learn for traveling without moving from your seat.
Because learning is what keeps us moving.

To the amazing children of the Primary 3 class. This picture is for you, book lovers.
Thank you for being such an awesome group, and for letting me be part of it during a short while.

Mirall Convex

I aquell reflex d'un mirall convex
es va convertir en el seu botxí.
Va donar tota l'autoritat de la mesura de tot plegat
a una imatge distorsionada que algú li havia inculcat...

And that reflection of a convex mirror
became her executioner.
She gave all the authority of everything's measure
to a distorted image that someone had instilled into her...

Text: Autoodi I - Iogurts desnatats, Brams


Sí, ho sé, fa fred.
Però decideixo que és estiu.

Yes, I know it's cold.
But I choose it to be summer.

Sempre somrient

Tot i que els dies siguin grisos,
tot i que faci més fred que mai,
sempre somrient.

Even though days are grayer,
even though it's colder than ever,
always smiling.

Esbossos des de Helsinki
Sketches from Helsinki